woensdag 24 maart 2010

The juice adventure - 7,8

So, yesterday it was my last day of only drinking the juice and that went pretty good.
TOday, I started my day with orangejuice. O my, what a sweetness! And I also bought rice wafles. I can'teat much, because my body has to get used to it.

SO, I have been thinking about conclusions and here they come:
- It is actually possible for me not to eat for 7 days in a row. I never knew I could, and I am so happy I did it!
- You have so much time left when you do not eat. It's was so easy just to drink something when I was hungry in between everything else I was doing. Dinertime was now just showertime, or readtime.. That was sweet!
- There is So much food we eat we REALLy don't need.
- We are tempted to eat food all the time. There are so many ways to get food, that it's almost hard not to fall for those things. Like is said Monday, when my mum and I were at the market and we didn't have to think about buying something.. Normally you would be tempted to buy at least something!
- Drinking 2 liters juice a day makes you go to the restroom ALL THE TIME.
- eating more healthy would probably make me feel a lot better.

I lost about 4 Kilo's and you can see that. That is sweet, but I wasn't doing it for that. Of course, I will try to keep it like this, because it looks good and it feels amazing too.

For the coming three days I wil think about how I will change my lifestyle into a ( more) healthy one.

Lovely day to you all!

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